Friday, November 16, 2007

Key West Turkey ride.

In about two hours, I'm going to be on the road to Winchester, VA. Tomorrow morning, I'll be riding Skyline Drive through Shenandoah to Knoxville, TN. Sunday morning, Deal's Gap, Dragon's Tail, and Cherohala Skyway, ending the day in Savannah, GA. Spend a few days under the sun in Miami, and then off to Key West.

I've wanted to make this trip for years, but they took away my license in 2006, and I didn't have the chance in 2005. This year I've got the bike, and the license, and the motivation. If it was a choice between sitting around a dinner table all night with three condescending humorless accountants, or nightclubs & E on white sandy beaches, swimming in crystal clear waters while drinking Mai Thai's, well, that ain't no choice at all.

3 of the best rides in America on one trip. I woke up with that nervous anticipation you get as a kid on Christmas morning. I can't wait to get out there on the road.

This is going to be an annual pilgramidge, so anybody out there want to make the ride next year, gimme a shout.

Here's the route:,38.919880,-78.193690%3B17378530705292756068,38.767870,-78.232480%3B1788691951501113967,38.661390,-78.317260%3B770619417151806217,38.545580,-78.390710%3B14559284942800649887,38.364630,-78.555180%3B12548960267934763408,38.097790,-78.781210%3B16186435554723444439,35.557290,-84.010570%3B8622334245503131432,35.339820,-83.813780&time=&date=&ttype=&saddr=nyc&daddr=202+N.+Washington+St.,+Winchester,+Virginia,+22601+to:US-340+%4038.919880,+-78.193690+to:Skyline+Dr+%4038.767870,+-78.232480+to:US-211+%4038.661390,+-78.317260+to:Skyline+Dr+%4038.545580,+-78.390710+to:Spotswood+Trail%2FUS-33+%4038.364630,+-78.555180+to:Skyline+Dr+%4038.097790,+-78.781210+to:knoxville,+tn+to:US-129+%4035.557290,+-84.010570+to:Tapoco+Rd%2FUS-129+%4035.339820,+-83.813780+to:35.362176,-84.306335+to:savannah,+ga+to:777+S.+Federal+Highway,+Pompano+Beach,+FL+33062+to:miami,+fl+to:key+west,+fl+to:600+S+Persimmon+Avenue,+Sanford,+FL+32771&mra=dpe&mrcr=2&mrsp=11&sz=9&via=2,3,4,5,6,7,9,10,11&sll=35.619349,-83.768005&sspn=0.962278,1.851196&ie=UTF8&z=9&om=1

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