Wednesday, February 13, 2008

I fought the law, and I won.

So I had another ticket today, on September 13, 2007 I was riding to work and was stopped by a police officer who was just standing on the corner of 51st and 3rd ave. So I pulled over, I wasn't doing anything wrong. She requested my license and registration and insurance, which I gave her, and then she disappeared into her copcar to write out a ticket. So I walked across the street to Ess-A-Bagel (best bagel shop in NYC BTW), and got a cup of coffee and a bagel while I waited for her to write out the ticket.

I was just about done with the bagel when she returned, and handed
over a ticket on §381-1(a), which refers specifically to motorcycle equipment. She wrote on there insufficient headlight. At the time, I had my headlights in a classic streetfighter setup, very similar to this right here. Now, I had installed it with a custom wiring that ran directly to the battery for increased brightness, but after a couple months, it started popping bulbs like Orville Reddenbacker pops corn, and on this morning, at this time, one of the bulbs was burnt out. But the other was fine.

So I took my ticket, and went on my way, and when I got to the office, I pointed that browser on over to: and looked up that law (it's in VAT).

Turns out, the law specifically states that motorcycles need to have ONE headlight on the front. Which I did. So I printed out the law, and went and took a picture of the bike, with the headlight, and the license plate.

I took a half day from work today, and armed with the photo, the printout of the law, and the headlight assembly (I've since installed a bikini fairing, and put the wiring back to stock), off to the 125th st., Harlem Traffic Violations Bureau I went for my 2:30 trial.

Stopped off at Servants of God for some of NYC's best fish fry & soul food, where my umbrella got stolen. Everybody else knew better then to leave their umbrella at the front by the door. Got the TVB at 2, soaking wet, and didn't see my name on the bulletin, so I asked the counter guy what's up.

Turns out I'm supposed to be at Rector st., which is just North of Battery Park. Which is at the other end of Manhattan Island. And I had 1/2 an hour to get there on the subway.

Well, I made it, and they called me up, and the cop forgot her notes, so it came in not guilty, and when I tried to point out to her that she had made a mistake in writing the ticket, both she, and the judge flipped out on me, screaming and shouting. Fucking assholes. They really have a thin skin down there at the TVB. Last time I was there, one of the clerks threatened to call the cops in because I had the audacity to ask him if he knew when the computers where going to come back online because sitting in TVB is not my idea to a great way to spend an afternoon.

So I grab my stuff to leave, a bit disappointed that I didn't get to steamroll a cop in court - one of my favorite things to do, and I bumped into her in the hallway. So I mentioned it again.

NYC Biker: Officer, I really (Interrupted)...

A-Hole cop (Screaming bloody murder): EXCUSE ME...

Nyc Biker (Normal tone of voice)
: think you shouldn't...

A-Hole cop (Screaming at the top of her lungs): YOU WON, YOU NEED...

Nyc Biker:
write out tickets inappropriately.


NYC Biker: If you knew the law you wouldn't have wrote me that ticket.

A-Hole cop: (Glancing at a few uniformed cops standing right next to us, still screaming) WILL SOMEONE PLEASE...

NYC Biker: (Raising voice slightly) You wasted half my day with this!

A-Hole cop: GET HIM OUT OF HERE! (Starts to walk away)

None of the other cops said anything, or made any indication of intervening.

NYC Tax dollars hard at work. Employing incompetent cops that waste our time with bullshit, and are so hypersensitive, that they can't even take a moment to listen to a simple grievance.

I won, but I'm not satisfied.

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